The Verbier Gala : 150 entrepreneurs come together in the heart of the Alps

A region has life through its different events and the people who organise them. Sarah Perruchoud is one of these dynamic people who is eager to create connexions between people. For the last 5 years, the founder of RP Agency, has supported and developed companies’ (digital) communication or events. She has also created the Geneva Ball which every year, unites 200 people in the Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues and brings support to local families in poverty.In 2021 she launched a network for entrepreneurs in the Léman region which now boasts 300 members : Valais Network. Events are organised in Geneva, Lausanne and in the Valais canton with a friendly and sociable vibe, centred around local produce. The flagship event is now the Verbier Gala which attracts more than 150 company directors to Verbier at the end of August for a weekend filled with activities and networking opportunities.

The Verbier Gala, what is this new event ?

It aims to reunite entrepreneurs from the Léman region at a unique and worthwhile evening in the magnificent resort of Verbier. Such a gathering of businesses is an occasion for decision-makers to be able to network, to discuss real trends linked to their commercial activities, to create synergies and perhaps even business relationships. As a result, the event allows a new business year to be launched with a great outlook.

Why have you chosen Verbier for this event ?

Verbier is a perfect destination for Bleisure (Business/leisure), because of the sports activities it offers with high quality infrastructure, scenery that takes your breath away, local produce and exceptional restaurants, while at the same time offering invaluable tranquillity and a marvellous environment for work. The choice of Verbier has not been made unwittingly : it’s an ideal place to work and play, a small corner of paradise in the heart of the Alps.

In addition, there hasn’t yet been an event dedicated uniquely to the business sector and to entrepreneurs. It was a great opportunity to put on an event which can complement the diverse offering of the resort and incorporate the local ecosystem.

Lastly, Valais Network has had incredible support in Verbier from stakeholders in the economy, tourism and the community, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them most sincerely. Their support has shown a real open mindset to innovation.

Can you give us a few figures from the first event in 2022 and the concept ?

The first event took place on 3rd September 2022 and brought together 150 entrepreneurs from the Léman region (Geneva, Valais and Vaud) in the Chalet d’Adrien. At its launch, we chose to honour 10 women entrepreneurs from the Valais under the age of 40 who have excelled in their respective sectors. A press coverage brought great visibility to our concept. The event was quickly a sell-out. We were astonished and delighted with its popularity. It motivated us to develop the project so as to offer an event that went beyond the expectations of the guests.

What will the second event be like ?

The 2nd Verbier Gala event will be held on Saturday 26th August in the evening. Primarily we want to pay attention to the details because that’s what makes the difference and makes an event unforgettable. The Verbier Gala will take place in the magnificent W Verbier which has wonderful modern spaces. We’ve opted this year for the theme “Models of inspiration for the company of tomorrow” such as a four-day week, working from home, holarchy or even more equity in management positions. Inspiring entrepreneurs will once again be at the forefront.

Upstream of this event, we’re going to launch the very first Verbier business weekend, amongst discussions on specific topics linked to businesses, tastings of local produce and sports activities. In fact, on the Friday evening, participants will discuss investment models (such as pension planning, construction, the Stock Exchange and art) before a finger buffet supper. By the way, this event is sponsored by VFP Immobilier to whom we are very grateful. Then, Saturday daytime will be reserved for a pleasant walk or an E-bike tour before getting together in a magnificent setting to share some time together and network.

Who can take part ?

All entrepreneurs can take part in the event as long as there are spaces available, with members of Valais Network having priority. The business weekend is reserved uniquely for Gala participants and the activities on Friday evening and Saturday during the day are optional.

What are Valais Network’s values ?

We would like to offer an open vision which fully respects the human being their integrity and environment. This is why we are in favour of all business models that place the individual at the heart of its activities and allow them to flourish fully.

In addition, we encourage equity and equality amongst all people, men and women, whatever their differences. Respect and diversity should be at the heart of our actions, organisations and interactions in the business sector. These are the values we are aiming for in our network. We hope that entrepreneurs feel completely at ease in a welcoming environment across Valais Network, one that is liberal and looking towards the future.

How is networking evolving ?

Today, people are in great demand with multiple engagements, events and activities in both their personal and private lives. This is why we are organising interesting and sociable events so that networking can be considered a breath of fresh air and not another new task in an already full programme.

Ultimately, networking today is indispensable, especially in a small country like Switzerland, where ultimately everyone can easily get to know each other or be linked directly or indirectly. Networking is a means to make one’s activities visible, and one’s business, to get to know new companies and develop even further. It’s also a wonderful platform to form long lasting links with clients, friends or partners.

Read the whole magazine here

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